Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Breaking the Image

Five years ago, (AT 31!!) I thought my life was pretty much over. I was conformed to the idea that my prime had passed; that I was not qualified to be more than a frumpy OLD!?! wife and mother. (and not a very good one, according to my EX) Sooo, why even aspire to more?

Then, someone very special to me, basically shook me like a rag doll and the clouds began to clear... I knew my life would never be the same.

Today, I am a healthier, happier (about 5 years younger, than I was 5 yrs ago!), single mother, (hasn't killed me yet) a home-owner, who is Jeremiah's hot young grandmother, the steady girlfriend of a wonderful man, member of 24hr Fitness, Friend to so many incredible women that I sometimes wonder what I could have possibly done to deserve them, and (Lord help me) a member of Team Tri Divas!! Life is GOOOOOOD!!


  1. Good for YOU!

    Come visit my Blog. Peace and Happiness

  2. It's been a year, Jenny...time for an update. :)

  3. Yes, ma'am... Not much has changed, though. Here I am; still single, still a grandma, still in the same job, at the same weight, dealing with the same teenagers, and oh yeah, and as of this past week, still dealing with the same man!! (details to come soon)
